
April 02, 2015

Ending Your Marriage? Do These Things to Prepare

Ending Your Marriage? Do These Things to Prepare





Has someone you know gone through divorce? Maybe your parents have ended their marriage, or a close relative or friend. Perhaps you are considering ending your marriage. If so, then you probably have a lot of questions. Perhaps you think your divorce will be just like the divorce of someone else you know. However, in reality, every divorce is different. While most divorces deal with the same issues, everyone’s situation is unique. That means you can’t expect that your divorce will go exactly the same as someone else’s did.

Plan Ahead

However, while you cannot predict exactly how the divorce process will go, there are some smart moves you can make before you start the divorce process, or as soon as you actually file. These measures could make a huge difference in how prepared you will be throughout the process as well as how well life after divorce will go. So if you’re about to end your marriage what should you do to get ready?

Start Saving

According to Cathy Meyer, divorce support expert for, one of the smartest things you can do in anticipation of divorce is to start putting money aside. According to Meyer, you should do this by opening a separate account and if anyone loans you money for help make sure that money is duly noted as a loan and not as a gift. There are many expenses with divorce and your income will be altered so prepare as much as you can. It’s also a good idea to gather and track all your important financial information in preparation for the divorce process.

Keep a Divorce Calendar and Notebook

Meyer also recommends making a record of everything that is part of your divorce, including all the paperwork that divorce includes. Also keep track of each meeting with your attorney as well as any hearings you attend. Tracking everything could provide you with important records should disagreements arise.

Watch Your Expenses

Divorce is usually expensive and any opportunity to cut back on your expenses is helpful. Meyer suggests making an effort to start paying down any debt that you have as much as you possible can, because after divorce the income will be split and the debt could be harder to overcome. This could mean making tough choices like selling your vehicle, canceling memberships or services and cutting back on luxuries.

Stick to Your Plan

Meyer also notes that while there will most likely be many twists and turns in your divorce process you should map out a plan for your divorce and for life after divorce. When you have that plan in place, stick to it as best as you can. Focus on controlling the things you can and keep your eyes towards the future instead of the past. Of course, no two divorce processes go completely alike, so it’s important to understand that while this information might be helpful, it should not be considered as legal advice. You should always contact an attorney to decide what is best for you in your particular case and circumstances.

Contact Us for help

If you are ready to end your marriage then it’s also a good idea to contact an experienced divorce attorney to help you plan, prepare and get through the process of divorce. At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group we offer exceptional advice and counsel to help you get through your divorce in the best position possible. Please contact us today for help at 312-445-8830, or click here to reach us online.





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