
Family Law Lawyers 60502

Family Law Lawyers 60502

Family Law Lawyers 60502

Legal battles are stressful, and so is family conflict. It is only natural to want to avoid turning disagreements with your spouse, partner, or co-parent into litigation. Even if you and your spouse cannot get along, and the only thing you can agree on is that you do not want to live together anymore, you do not want to treat them like an enemy. Unfortunately, trying to accomplish a divorce without a lawyer will probably make things worse and lead to more years of conflict and resentment. Likewise, even if you and your ex were never married to each other, the honor system does not work well when it comes to sharing financial responsibility for your children. The Lisle family law attorneys can help you preserve the stability of your family relationships by handling the legal aspects of divorce and co-parenting with the utmost professionalism.

Cook County Family Law Attorney

Women who do everything for themselves still need family law attorneys to help them with divorce and parenting plans. Perhaps you dictate work emails while driving your children home from martial arts practice and then prepare a home-cooked meal, but hiring a lawyer for your divorce is like hiring an accountant for your taxes, except that your ex can break your heart in ways that the IRS never could. These are some legal matters where a Lisle family law attorney can help you:

  • Parenting plans and child custody
  • Modifying or enforcing child support
  • High net worth divorce
  • Co-parenting for unmarried couples
  • Alimony and property division
  • Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
  • Family court mediation during or after divorce

Parenting Plans and Co-Parenting in Illinois

All couples who are not married to each other and do not live together but who have at least one minor child together need a parenting plan. The parenting plan is a court order that indicates which parent is with the children on which days of the year. It also divides the decision-making authority related to non-financial aspects of parenting, such as non-emergency medical care, education, and extracurricular activities. Before the court can issue a child support order, the parents must have a parenting plan because the division of parenting time is one of the factors based on which the court calculates child support.

Property Division, Alimony, and Equitable Distribution

Illinois is an equitable distribution state, which means that it instructs judges to decide on a case-by-case basis the fairest way to divide marital property in a divorce; it does not assume that an equal division of property is the fairest option. The goal of property division is to make the former spouses financially independent of each other and for both of them to keep as close as possible to the standard of living they enjoyed during the marriage.

Contact Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group About Divorce and Child Custody

A Chicago family law attorney can help you finalize your divorce so that you can start your new life with your fair share of property and parenting time. Contact Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group in Chicago, Illinois, to discuss your case.

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