
Chicago Child Support Attorney

Chicago Child Support Attorney

Chicago Child Support Attorney

little girl happy spending time with her mother, for child custody case contact our reliable divorce attorneys in Cook County.

For unmarried parents living apart and those going through a separation or divorce, there is still the obligation to provide love and financial support to children of the relationship. At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group, we know that getting financial support ensures that your child’s daily needs are met and that they have the material things they need in order to thrive. Ranked as one of the Best Family Law Firms in the area by the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys, the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group can help you get the support to which your child is entitled.

Protecting Your Rights to Child Support in Chicago

Under the Illinois Compiled Statutes (750 ILCS 5/505), parents have a duty and financial obligation to provide financial support for their children. For parents going through a divorce, dealing with child support obligations is part of these proceedings. For single parents, an order for child support can be obtained by filing a petition and initiating paternity proceedings.

At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group, our Chicago child support attorneys can assist you in either of these situations. Getting this type of financial support from the other parent can help offset the following types of expenses:

  • Housing, food, and clothing for your child;
  • Tuition, books, and other school-related expenses;
  • Health care coverage and medical costs, including medications, glasses, and dental care;
  • Social and recreational activities, such as participation in sports or other hobbies;
  • Costs for any special needs your child might have, such as tutors and developmental programs.  

Making Sure Child Support is Paid

In filing for Chicago child support through the Cook County Court, you and the other parent will be required to submit a financial disclosure, listing your total income and expenses. In addition to each parent’s wages and the child’s expenses, other factors that are considered in awarding a child support order include:

  • Any time-sharing plans currently in place and the amount of time the child spends in each parent’s home
  • The standard of living the child would have otherwise enjoyed had the parents had remained together;
  • Any other family obligation each parent has.

Once an order is in place, it can be enforced through the court if not paid. Penalties for failing to provide child support include property liens, wage garnishment, and a potential jail sentence.

Let Our Chicago Child Support Attorneys Assist You

At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group, we are dedicated to helping you and your child get the financial support you deserve. To request a free consultation to discuss your options, contact our Chicago child support attorneys today.  

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