
Best Family Lawyers in Chicago

Best Family Lawyers in Chicago

Best Family Lawyers in Chicago 

Family Law Attorneys Representing Clients in Chicago, Illinois

A woman hugging her two small daughters outside, for advice on parenting agreement call the best divorce lawyer Cook County.

Going through a family law case in Chicago can be extremely stressful and complicated, and the best family lawyers in Chicago at our firm are here to help you get through this matter and to seek the best possible outcome based on your needs. At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group, we know how difficult divorce can be, including issues pertaining to the allocation of parental responsibilities and domestic violence. We also know that mothers can face discrimination in terms of their perceived economic earning power, and their ability to make significant financial and intellectual decisions. Although we are firmly within the 21st century, these biases persist, so it is critical to have an experienced Chicago family lawyer on your side.

Our Firm Handles a Wide Variety of Family Law Cases in Chicago

At the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group, we handle a wide variety of family law matters, including but not limited to the following types of cases:

  • Divorce;
  • Child support;
  • Spousal support;
  • Mothers’ rights;
  • Child custody and the allocation of parental responsibilities;
  • Orders of protection and domestic violence;
  • Parental alienation;
  • Paternity;
  • Planning for your divorce;
  • Electronic snooping;
  • Relocation;
  • Civil unions and domestic partnerships; and
  • Modifications.

Divorce and Financial Matters in Chicago Family Law

Many family law issues in Chicago pertain to divorce and financial matters, including the division of marital property and support. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) governs most of these issues. To file for divorce in Chicago, you will need to plead that irreconcilable differences have led to the end of your marriage. While you might be wondering how you can provide proof of this no-fault divorce requirement, you only will need to be able to show that you have been living apart from your spouse for six months or longer. At that point, there is an “irrebuttable presumption” that the requirement of irreconcilable differences has been met.

Beyond filing for divorce, you should also be aware that all property from your marriage will be classified into one of two categories: marital or separate property. Separate property will not be divided, but all marital assets and debts will be distributed between the spouses according to the theory of equitable distribution. The court will look at a number of different factors to decide what kind of division of property is equitable. Other financial matters that arise in divorce and family law are spousal support and child support, and Illinois law has guidelines for both.

Allocation of Parental Responsibilities, or Child Custody 

Illinois courts do not award child custody as they used to do. Instead, they allocate parental responsibilities. Those parental responsibilities include both significant decision-making responsibilities and parenting time. In the latter, parents exercise caretaking functions for the child.

Seek Advice From the Best Family Law Attorneys in Chicago

If you need advice or have questions about a family law issue in Illinois, one of the best Chicago family lawyers at our firm can assist you. Contact the Women’s Divorce & Family Law Group today for more information.

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